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Re: coconut oil and your liver
  Views: 29,252
Published: 12 y
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Re: coconut oil and your liver

Unfortunately, I had a similar bad experience with coconut oil(and butter, and cream, and milks)... only I would not give up on it,
as I trusted many diet pundits...
I kept trying to find a context in which it would prove beneficial, thinking there was just some other reason that I couldn't find the miracle.
The result:
7 years of diminished functioning,
Pain and misery....
Gallbladder became inflamed,
Liver enlarged,
cholesterol went through the roof,
wild blood Sugar swings started to set in...

Finally I realized: this coconut oil thing, it's a lie!

all the talk about coconut oil being good for the health of adults is not right.

I don't doubt there are many arguments... and well supported with evidence, logic, and reason...
but still there has to be a desire to get to the truth no matter how far it is, and no matter how much prejudice we have to set aside (even all of it) ...

the final conclusion: that it's generally conducive to good health for a majority of people when eaten regularly

Well... I don't think so.
It was a learning experience (the hard kind).
I just thank God I made it through that sham alive.



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