Re: Need a bit of help please
It is great that you are so proactive in your healing and sorry to hear that you are having a rough time.
The one thing that most doctors do not test for is AMINO levels in the blood. there is a very specific lab test which reveals these levels, but it is usually only end nutritionists who offer such services.
I strongly recommend checking out a book called 'the way up from down' also available online FREE at " " This book changed my life! :)
I have tried everything, including wellbutrin (which helped) and was on Zoloft for a year. That stuff works but it is doing the exact same thing that can be accomplished through amino therapy.
The book discusses The Amine Therapy of depression, which I wholeheartedly embrace after years of researching depression.
There have been many studies of depressed folk related to certain aminos, a few of which are profound.. as they relate it directly to 'L-Tryptophan' and 'L-Tyrosine'. One study I researched was of 500 depressed people and ALL 500 had low levels of both these aminos.
Proteins and their metabolized elements, amino acids are what our brains use to MAKE our neurochemicals serotonin and dopamine.
serotonin is the main chemical altered by many anti-depressants and dopamine is the chemical altered specifically by wellbutrin.
Anyway, you can build up these neurochemicals naturally by a process called 'pre-cursor uploading'. You take supplements which results in the brain having an abundance of 'fuel' which it uses to make your happiness juice.
It works! I take 2000 mg of L-Tryptophan at night (which helps sleep too) and 1500 mg's of L-Tyrosine twice a day, in between meals.
Please check out the book!
Also, I have found that the main factor in my own
Depression is *cardio exercise*. I run 15 minutes per day and if I start to slack even a little, my state of well being and energy levels are drastically affected.
It seems that there is truth in the theory that many of our hearts are 'atrophied'.. too weak to properly metabolize the proteins-aminos in our diets and pump it throughout our body. We are simply nowhere near as active as our hunter-gatherer ancestors who created these bodies of ours..
My opinion is that if you don't have regular cardio exercise as a part of your life, NOTHING will help. You are wasting your money.
I pray this aids you in your quest to feel better,
ps- "alkalnity" is also crucial. the body needs to be slightly alklaline and when you fall below a pH of 7.4 or so, mood, energy levels and general happiness tend to plummet as well. Coral calcium works great as does any and all forms of oxygenation. You can monitor this with simple litmus paper. This is HUGE! All of the stones you are passing as well as arterial plaque and a variety of other nasties are acidic clumps of nastiness..