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NEW SCIENCE, NEW Product, better than Old 2 wire ppm strippers
incredible mad scientist Views: 2,941
Published: 10 y

NEW SCIENCE, NEW Product, better than Old 2 wire ppm strippers

Colloidal Silver is phrankenscience. Last centuries solutions. Its based on particles. Chemistry is about Energy Fields. Science is about energy fields. As in the Electric Universe and Electric Sun we also have the electric ‘atom’.
This more correct Science of Chemistry gives rise to “FIELD SCIENCE” and with it, one can improve the Science of “colloidal” silver. For more information on a quantum leap in this alternative healing solution go to joecellwaterscience and read about the SilverJoe Cell. This is Tesla’s Science where everything is energy, frequency and vibration.
It makes all other “colloidal” silver products on the planet obsolete. Start upgrading your life now.
In a nutshell
The format of 4 silver wires, and the unique way to energize the 4 wires plus the voltage and amperage to harmonize the silver with the water TRANSMUTES the water into silver. The wires NEVER degrade.
Definitely light years ahead of wire degrading parts per million.

youtube at
youtube (dot) com/watch?v=_TlP9q6TnY4&

Scientific explanation at
joecellwaterscience (dot) com/silverjoe_cell_11.html

The Device has an add-on that is like a zapper/energizer/detox unit equal to if not better than all the others.

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