How Christians should act
So I think this is a very important topic and I'm sure many of you will not agree on the way I think about this, but I am of the mindset that Christians should not try to share the gospel of Christ until they have been completely saturated in Christ themselves.
For me personally, I went away from Christianity for a long time and was turned of by the whole Christian religion due to all of the hypocrisy and people who worship Jesus in word and action but not in their hearts. Now, I take full responsibility for my own actions also and that it is also due to my own faults and imperfections that I was not able to deal with all of these issues. Those who are steadfast in Christ I'm sure have no issues with these types of people, but as Christians, our main goal should be to draw people toward Christ not repel them away from Christ as I believe many Christians do.
Here is my main thought on this topic: No Christian should preach or even speak the Gospel of Christ to any non-believer (or really even any believer) until they themselves have been fully saturated with the light of Christ. As Jesus taught about not trying to take the beam out of some other person's eye while we have a big old beam in our own eye. Many Christians are like withered flowers sitting in the darkness but they still want to go and teach everyone about the light, though they know nothing of it. But instead, let the flowers bask in the sunlight, the light of Christ and they will gently open, then all men will come and smell their fragrance and be drawn to the light of Christ through the fragrance of the flower.
First seek Christ in your own heart, then others will come to you and you won't have to preach to them, they will ask you for the Gospel. They will beg you for the Gospel.
We should never preach the Gospel of Christ until the Lord speaks directly to us and tells us that is what he wants us to do.
There are many people that are very turned off the Christianity because of the way that Christians behave and the things that Christians speak about. Now I am not saying that non-believers don't share some of the blame, they are also hard of heart and true seekers will find the truth regardless of the terrible behavior of Christians, but shouldn't our goal as Christians be to give non-believers the best possible chance to come to Christ? And I'm telling you all that I believe the best way that the majority of Christians can help the world to do this is to shut their mouths and open their hearts to Christ. Don't speak a word of Him just fill your heart with Him, cry out to Him to remove everything of your self and be saturated only with Him, then when you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and are saturated with Him, only then should you speak of Him. And you will not need to toil and labor to preach the word of Christ. Does the tree toil and labor to produce it's fruit? No, it just basks in the sun and if the roots are healthy, then it will bear fruit. So will the true disciples of Christ bear fruit.
What do we see in the mainstream of Christianity? We see people against Gay marriage, we see people against abortion, or similar topics. Now is Gay marriage correct? Certainly not, it is a sin. Is abortion wrong? Of course it is. But think of it from the viewpoint of someone who is gay, someone who wants to get an abortion, yes they are sinners, but how are you going to bring them to Christ? You are going to go protest in the streets, yell at them as they are going in to get an abortion? That is going to send them running away from Christ. Okay, these are extreme examples, but even just going up to someone on the street or in a conversation and telling them they need to be saved and receive Jesus into their lives to go to heaven. Most people will be very repelled from the Gospel from this type of experience. They are looking at it as you just trying to force your viewpoint onto them, and isn't that really all you are doing? Even if inside your heart you really just want to help that person, you still can do so much more harm than good. It is because you have not receive the calling from God but you just decided on your own that you need to go preach the Gospel. And please don't turn this into a scripture quoting debate. Of course Jesus commanded many, many times in the Bible to preach His Gospel and spread His Word, but who he was talking to in those scriptures are his true disciples, not the people with big egos or even those who were in the process of repenting. Actually, that is the funny thing about most Christians, they think they have already reached the level of disciple, when they are still only in the process of repentance on the path to salvation.
If you preach without first receiving Christ fully into your heart, you are a false preacher and you will bear false fruit. Anyone preaching the word of Christ without the pure bliss of the Holy Spirit, is doing much more harm then good. I am also guilty of this and in the past I preached the Gospel of Christ without being fully saturated with Christ and I actually even 'converted' many people to Christianity and I'm sure that I really turned a lot of people off to Christianity (I'm sure I sent many, many people running from Christianity). But I guarantee you the people that I 'converted' to Christianity didn't receive Christ into their hearts based on anything that I did, hopefully some of them did on their own at a later time. But because I didn't have any fruit in my own heart, there is no way that I could bear any fruit in others and I was only sinning against God. I think many of us behave this way out of ignorance; we don't know what it really means to receive Jesus into our hearts, so we create our own ideas of what it means. What it really means can never be described in words (even the Bible cannot really describe it, it can only give you an idea of the concept), it can only be experienced. When you have not experienced it, you cannot know and you cannot teach others because you haven't experienced it yourself. When you experience it, then you know, then you can tell someone else about it.