11 y
Re: what should I start out with to get Candida back on track?
Earlier today in morning, I did the routine again where I did:
1 tsp baking soda in glass water.
1 tsp Celtic
Sea Salt in cup of water, followed by glass of water.
All the co-supplements, but 4 Boron Triple Complex (3mg each) caps instead of the normal 3 daily i've been doing, Then 16 grams total Vitamin C, but 8 at time of other supplements, then couple hour later another 8 caps. Still on the 48 hours off of
SSKI /Iodine till tomorrow.. But had really bad achy elbow joints. I notice it's mentioned in the page:
Regarding achy joints. Few hours later after doing the supplements, baking soda, 1 tsp
Sea Salt and water stuff, I had another really huge blow out on toilet. Then some aching in joints again, but went away after a salt load.
I guess the achy elbow joints are from getting out the candida? Or maybe it's the Boron getting out the fluoride? Not sure what's resulting from which thing lol. I suppose from about 2 decades of drinking alcohol in the 90's and 2000's it's mainly fluoride from that. then candida from bad diet, then bromides/general gmos.
Edit: just had another blow out now, came out like water lmao. i really hope its toxins coming out like that lol.