Thanks again Grizz, I'll have to read that file more. I must have missed some of those natural anti-fungus products the first time I glanced over it. I'll have to really check it out then in few minutes here.
Breaking away isn't easy though, I've been unemployed since 2008.. I have a really bad work history, I've been applying for jobs since 2008 and don't get called nor hired either. I'm 40,000 in debt or so too. I'm lucky I'm even getting help to get iodine/
SSKI and supplements from my brother that's on welfare / assistance.. instead of him buying or spending 240.00 every 3 months on tobacco and tubes that he used to buy me, he's doing 80.00 for one month on supplements and
Iodine (trying to get stuff that lasts longer) and it's lasting 2 to 3 months.
And I pay him off with haircuts, and rolling cigs for him because he can't do it. I was just telling him about the nystatin stuff, and he's like "see, I knew you would end up needing even more stuff later, not just
Iodine and vitamins."
So it's all taking toll on the family for money wise, and it's easier to buy cheaper
Genetically-Modified-Organisms stuff and not buy vitamins and die, than it is to be healthy, and replace
Genetically-Modified-Organisms stuff with non-GMO stuff and etc. It's not .. "Gee, thanks grandson for trying to keep us healthy, keep us from dying and keep us from buying our own deaths, along with your kids and rest of the family." It's more like.. "bitch bitch bitch, make fun, put down, get a job!! get a job!! if you want this "extra stuff". "extra stuff" = healthy non-gmo, the vitamins, iodine, etc etc. It's stupid, it's arguing with people that want to see things their way, the only way, and want to die for a cheap price (gmo filled crap).. and not protect the family as a whole either.. because people visit here from time to time too. And I can't just move away either, no money..
And I wasn't asking them to buy EVEN MORE / EXTRA STUFF.. I just said INSTEAD OF buying the gmo crap stuff, to buy the good / non-gmo stuff. So their monthly grocery bill is the same, just different products that are non-gmo. They're really bad off too though, they can't remember jack shit anymore, their memory loss is there for sure, their energy is gone.. etc. But who cares.. they don't care if they want to die or not, it's in God's hands.. they say
Anyway, I've been up to 10 to 12 drops of
SSKI at 75mg per drop. 75 X 10 = 750mg daily or 800 some mg daily of
Is what I bought for 35.00, cause Trapper don't do debit/credit cards.. So I had to find alternative SSKI suppler. lol
3rdi 1
oz. SSKI Super Saturated Potassium
Iodide 75 mg Iodine/drop 1.48 gms KI/ml
oz. Bottle of SSKI Super Saturated Potassium
Iodide Solution. Contains 1.5 gms of potassium iodide/ml or 75 mgs of iodide/drop (assuming 15 vertical drops/ml because SSKI is more viscous than water at 70F). SSKI is an excellent supplement to saturate your thyroid gland with
Iodine so it does not get damaged in the event of a radioactive I-131 release. The CDC recommends that an adult take 100 mg of iodide/day in the event of a radiation emergency (130 mg of potassium iodide), which would be about 1-1/4 drops of this product. There seems to be a lot of confusion as to what SSKI is and what is not. SSKI or Super Saturated Potassium
Iodide is a solution of
KI in water at room temperature in which no more
Potassium Iodide salt will go into solution. Turns out about 1-1/2 times as much weight in salt can be added to the same weight of water. It is clear that some other sellers on ebay are preparing what is known as “pharmaceutical SSKI”. This is a solution made with 1.0 gram (or less) of
KI per 1.0 ml of water, providing the commonly cited value of 50 mg of iodide per drop. There is about 33% more iodide in SSKI than in pharmaceutical sski. Amazingly, there's over 44 grams of
Potassium Iodide in this 1
oz. bottle. 3rdi SSKI will have undissolved crystals in the bottom of the bottle at 70F which proves it is indeed a super saturated solution. It's a good idea to keep a bottle of this around just in case, because when it is needed, it will not be available. There are about 450 drops in this 1 oz. bottle, which would be about 225 doses at 150mg/day of iodide or 450 doses of 75 mg/day, many more than in a bottle of
Potassium Iodide tablets.