Re: Likely hood of systemic candida?
Well, thanks to everyone who helps on this forum: we all just want to be healthy and I hope we all make it.
Symtpoms ? There are numerous because candida suppresses immune system and body metabolisms. My worst symptoms: food leaky through stomach lining causing headaches/body aches, no libido(of course), burnt adrenal gland(fatigue),
parasite co-infections,anxiety(sometimes),weight loss, low white blood cell count.
I use ultimate flora 100 billion count in my enemas. I also use VSL 3 in my enemas
As well but I use VSL 3 rarely because
It's expensive as f****. I mean; crazy priced: I only bought because I was desperately looking for a cure, but I still have it n the fridge.....
So it's easy, nystatin enema.... Then let the die off filter through ur
Body. I wait like 3-4 hours then I do a probiotic enema. I absorb all nystatin
And probiotic
Enemas. Candida dies
Immediately. Nystatin is a type
Of bacteria that dissolves fungus so it doesn't affect the beneficial flora. So its good to take a probiotic to replace the dead fungus after killing it.. Diflucan is something that is too toxic
For me because I have been on
parasite meds for the last 3 months
And my liver is cooked. Diflucan also wipes beneficial flora. It is actually a type
Antibiotic.... So I stay aways from that....