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Re: Likely hood of systemic candida?
commonknowledge Views: 2,645
Published: 11 y
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Re: Likely hood of systemic candida?


i just bought a regular enema bag from walmart for like 9 bucks. IF your only issue is candida then when you get rid of it you will feel fine. you know when you have candida. just do a enema and candida comes flying out all over. so in a nut shell, you dont have a libido or energy because candida is stressing your adrenals glands. adrenal glands make our energy by using cortisol when we wake up in the morning. if your adrenals are really stressed you will feel tired when you wake up. adrenals also control our cortisol through out the day to keep our energy steady. adrenals ALSO make our hormones including testosterone(libido). stressed adrenals are NOT going to make sex hormones. adrenals are busy fixing other issues.
some people have minor candida that can be rid of easier. if your case is tougher, like if you have candida fungus roots all through your intestines it will take way longer. so you cant really go off other people. some people have deep candida, some have smalll issues.


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