Re: Likely hood of systemic candida?
Hi guys, what do you guys reckon? Will nystatin help in this situation? (My post copy and pasted from another forum section)
I've had P since last year, early Feb.
Back last Feb, I got
Psoriasis almost overnight. Prior to that, in 2012, I had Dandruff. My diet was very bad, was very naive regarding nutrition.
I also have a white coated tongue. As of now, my scalp has been 95% clear of any type of P. Just a few small spots. My forehead is much better, again, only a few small spots. My tongue, still white. Also got a chronic cough, or at least I assume it is.
I'm wondering, what's the chances of this ever being cured? Seeing as I had Dandruff prior to Psoriasis. No family members have it either. Or had. My career choice doesn't allow Psoriasis, or at least not severe. It isn't now. In fact, here is a picture dated 12/04/14. It looks greasy due to the fact It's got a layer of Coconut Oil on.
- < that was 19/01/2014
Here is one taken today. About 3 hours or so ago.
Maybe you can see a slght orange patch in the center. That's Iodine. Currently following Grizz's suggestions. Additionally, in 2009, I was on
Antibiotics for Swine Flu.
I'm happy with the progress I've made so far, but REALLY want it gone. If it makes any difference, I'm a teenager. 18.
Thanks so much.