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Re: Likely hood of systemic candida?
  Views: 2,607
Published: 11 y
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Re: Likely hood of systemic candida?

Why are you causing so much stress and provoking arguments on this forum Grizz?
Isnt there a debate forum for that? Since you've started posting on this forum, there seems to be a lot of tension here now.
Jorge appears to have much more experience than you with candida and because of his advice has cured others. He should be congratulated. Not incited into a pissing match with you.
He appears to have done it without one drop of Iodine though. Is that the real issue here? He's done it without iodine?
Because ever since you've started posting here, it's Iodine this and Iodine that. You appear to be saying that candida is a problem thats caused by a lack of iodine.
That obviously is not the case at all, at least not for everyone.
You say that the Candida Forum has been going in circles for eleven years when the Iodine Forum has had the cure for candida all along.
Really? So, nobody on the Candida Forum in the past eleven years has noticed the Iodine Forum s' candida cure??? That doesnt seem believable.
But because you THINK that you had candida, and you THINK that the candida affected your lungs, and you THINK that iodine has eliminated the candida and cured your asthma, you're now the reigning expert on candida and how to eliminate it.
You blamed jorge for not giving a link to the testimonial that he posted, when you've done the same thing over and over by posting PRIVATE messages sent to you from others with no proof. If those messages WERE sent to you, then you've even gone one step further by violating their right to privacy and anonymity by posting their names. Shame on you!
Iodine might just be the cure for some of those fighting candida, but it's pretty clear that it isnt a cure for everyone.
Candida seems much too multi-faceted of a problem to claim that there is one solution for it. When folks right here on this forum start exclaiming how iodine has cured them of their candida, then I guess you've proven your point that iodine is ONE solution.
But until then, you're the one that seems to be going in circles.


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