I've been reading your posts and you seem to make the most sense and have the most practical advice. I figured out the night itching about 3 weeks ago. Pretty sure I have pinworms. I tried Pin-X twice and they came back. Have taken two courses of Stromectol and they came back. I'm about to try to Valbazan protocol. In between the above two efforts, I took DE for about 10 days, twice a day. I believe I may have disseminated the pinworms. I now have an itchy scalp and occasionally itchy nose. My question is: If they are in my scalp, and they are itching there all day, are they laying eggs all day? Are they under the scalp or crawling around in the hair? I can't see any. I thought they only emerged from the anus at night to lay eggs. Thanks for any help you can provide. You posts seem to have helped many people.