Wow you sound like you're all set with everything that you got.I read on line about a year ago that fendabendazole is the same thing as mendabendazole just for horses and animals. It's extremely strong it comes in a paste as well and I used it a year ago when I got it. It worked great but now I have a problem with these pinworms in my sinuses and I was wondering if anyone knew whether it was safe to swab your nasal passages with a Q-tip with a little bit of fendabendazole cream on it to try and rid my sinuses of this pinworm infection that started from a abscessed in the right upper molar. I know it is a pinworm infection by the way they lay eggs and drop from my sinuses as disgusting as it sounds it's true. I really would love to get rid of these nasty terrible things inside of my sinuses that are causing me so much pain and fatigue does anyone know about swabbing the sinuses with mendabendazole or fendabendazole cream? does it work? is it safe?