Re: Test results came back terrible, now what?
Hi Wired,
HOW were you "harmed," i.e. what DAMAGE did ingestion of vitamin C do to you [or others]? And HOW do you [or others] KNOW it was the vitamin C that did the [alleged] "harm?" And HOW is it you KNOW the vitamin C was not simply detoxifying you?
Your assertions/beliefs fly in the face of [virtually] all research and [a vast body of] experience, unless you consider your inability to ingest "even small amount[s] of vitamin C anymore" the "harm?"
People like to think their condition is unique, and so medical
Science "humors" them [very profitably to medical science, I might add] by coming up with thousands upon thousands of different names for different symptoms, i.e. [so-called] "diseases." But the reality is as Dr. John Tilden, M.D., wrote, "Normal persons are deadly to ALL germs and
parasites peculiar to the human habitat." In other words, the BODY can and does heal ALL maladies IF given a chance.
From my study [of the matter], Wired, barring calorie restriction, the "free"/extra/alkalinizing/toxin neutralizing/anioxidizing ELECTRONS in ascorbate [IF one can ingest them in sufficient quantities (or get them intravenously)] is that [next] best "chance."
I cannot but quote Dr. Levy again:
"Electron flow: Whether electrons are taken away, or whether electrons are donated, is the final common denominator as to whether you make somebody better or worse."
"Electron flow supply > high flow = health; low flow = illness; no flow = death."
"ALL disease symptoms are induced by oxidants, i.e. electron depletion."
"ALL therapy is electron repletion. ALL therapy."
I understand you have formed your own [set] views about AF and ascorbate, Wired. Apparently this is not an approach you wish to pursue [to completion]. I am simply making this [typically] little known approach/knowledge available to any and all that may care to find out more about it and/or try it.
Best wishes,