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Re: Test results came back terrible, now what?

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Re: Test results came back terrible, now what?

Hi Wired,

I have no questions about AF, any more than I have questions about any other health malady. All health maladies [genetic deformities excepted] are caused, either directly or indirectly, by cell oxidation [of course, assuming adequate nutrition]. Therefore it is simply [as in uncomplicated, not as in easy] a matter of getting those antioxidants into the body in sufficient quantity in order to allow the body to heal itself. The name of the disease/malady/symptom is unimportant.

We humans like to think we are special, and so whatever malady/symptom we happen to be manifesting must be "special" also. It has been a very profitable undertaking for big pharma/business and big medicine to cater to that feeling [in people] by coming up with an ever increasing list of [disease] names for those symptoms. But true science and history have shown that a healthy body can always heal/rid itself of any and all  toxins/germs/parasites, etc., etc., etc., and/or [virtually] anything else that might try to harm our health. To quote Dr. John Tilden, M.D., again, "Normal persons are deadly to all germs and parasites peculiar to the human habitat."

The correct approach, Wired, is not to quit completely ingesting the ascorbate, but simply to back off to a dose one can tolerate. The scenario you wrote can be nothing more than an overly aggressive detoxification, i.e. a too rapid detoxification, e.g. once the cleansing/healing progressed to a deeper level/stage, the detoxification needed to be moderated in order to not be too severe. In healing/detoxification, that can often be an ever changing scenario. And yes [since you spoke about "harm"], a person can indeed die from too agressive a cleansing/detoxification.

I get the impression you have been unsuccessful in completely curing/resolving your AF, and it is also understandable to me why you have ruled out ascorbate as the solution. But I believe you have made a tragic mistake/error in ruling out this most useful of all antioxidants as the answer. I suspect you disagree with me in this conclusion, and that is most certainly your prerogative. I simply wish to make this information available to those who might be open to it.

Best wishes,




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