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Re: Hydrogen peroxide plus lugol's
trapper/kcmo Views: 3,730
Published: 11 y
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Re: Hydrogen peroxide plus lugol's

hi fullset. glad to see youre bringin em.

oxygen is not a problem but it will change your iodine picture somewhat. increased oxygen in the stomach will increase the rate at which the stomach acid breaks the KI bond and releases elemental into the bloodstream. you may need to go with an iodidne only source like pills or SSKI. then adjust your dose accordingly.

take the H2O2 upon rising, shower and dress or whatever you do to prepare for your day and then do the iodine about 20 minutes later, give or take a few miunutes. you will have to fine tune it yourself. i threw up at 11 drops of 35%. if there is anything on your stomach you will hurl. vets sometimes use the brown bottle stuff on dogs as an emetic. it works great.

you will go from about 1% elemental released on a normal empty stomach to maybe 3 or 4 in an oxygenated stomach.

i have never tried this so if you bail because you think its going wrong then by all means - trust yourself. the key will be avoiding stomach upset, either by adjusting dose or by taking them further apart if that doesnt work.

i was not taking iodine when i did my round of H2O2. it cured my emphysema and i havent had a problem. its been ten years.


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