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Hydrogen peroxide plus lugol's
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Published: 10 y

Hydrogen peroxide plus lugol's

Hey trapper,

I had read an old thread in which you mentioned a bunch of different things. I was trying to find it back, but can't remember how I ended up on that thread.

Anyways, in that thread you mentioned that you took bentonite clay for detox and hydrogen peroxide (among other things).

I've just bought some bentonite off of amazon and I'm not worried about how to incorporate it into my routine, yet. What I really am interested in is hydrogen peroxide. I know it is supposed to be on an empty stomach and should be done early in the morning. This is fine, but the problem is that it conflicts with lugol's (early in the morning with meals). I was wondering how do you incorporate both of these rememdies into your routine.

Another question relates to vitamin C. Since I'm taking lugol's, I can't take it in the earlier part of the day. The instructions say to take it in the evening, but how can you take 2g of vitamin C in a short time frame. Specially with it being water soluble, isn't that a waste, plus we'll have all that vitamin C sitting in the bladder all night?

EDIT: I'm thinking of buying 50mg Iodoral tablets and keeping the 2% lugol's for topical application. I think I remember reading that Iodoral tabs aren't affected by vitamin C. So I guess my revised question (main) is how would I incorporate hydrogen peroxide with this new regimen (iodoral orally + lugol's topically)?

EDIT 2: Actually, could you possibly answer my question for both scenarios (iodoral or no iodoral)? Didn't realize iodoral tablets are a bit on the expensive side.

I also do oil pulling with castor/sunflower/sesame oil and take bragg's apple cider vinegar right after I oil pull. Does that affect hydrogen peroxide or lugol's?

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