Re: Exhausted after exercising
I'm very close to zero on wheat (not as close on dairy). I don't eat any bread products, however I haven't cut out processed foods that have things like soy sauce with wheat in it (we do have soy sauce alternatives for non packaged products). Also, some of the cereals I eat do have ancient grain wheat which has a very small amount of gluten but not like today's grains. From what I've read those are usually OK. But yea, I have heard the whole 100% wheat free even if it means never eating packaged food again. But the reality is that I'm so tired that if I had to cook everything from scratch then I'd fail and end up eating whatever is on hand which would be even worst.
That said, I do cheat occasionally (desert 1x per month for special occasions), but the reactions after cheating aren't nearly as bad as the reactions used to be before I got it all cut out in the first place.
My diet before getting sick was 50%+ wheat based and although lethargic it wasn't like my issues now. So if I'm continuing to have problems with it in such small amounts I think there is another underlying cause.
I do have that book in my list of things to buy and read, but seeing as I've been mostly off wheat for 1.5-2 years, it wasn't super high in the reading list.