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Re Early morning hours are just
nursebetty Views: 8,782
Published: 11 y
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Re Early morning hours are just

That is me to a "T". I am asleep by 10:00-10:30 and am awake by the minutes tick by my anxiety starts rushing in, I get this burning sensation on my skin (like a sunburn) and my gut starts gurgling and hurting.

I agre with NOT start any anti depressants or will live to regret it. I am in the process of weaning off clonazepam and that will take a year or more. Then I will work on the getting off the Zoloft...Clonazepam has made me sicker in the long run.

I feel like garbage almost the entire day and then around 6:00pm I start to feel good and think, wow now why can't I wake up like this?
Have you had any tests done for cortisol?
Try taking BP and pupil tests at home (google them )
I read Dr Wilsons book on Adrenal Fatigue but have not heard of Schwarzbein but will be checking it out now.

I have been gluten/dairy/sugar free for a little over a week now and have felt a teeny weeny bit of less brain fog
do you get that too, feel as if I am drugged up or stoned, can't think well.

I hate this more than anyone will ever know


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