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For Those Reading This Thread
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For Those Reading This Thread

Post edited by a moderator. Challenge the message and not the messenger!
The first person to resort to name calling and personal attacks automatically loses the debate

Just a quick one for anyone reading this thread - always check the posters previous posts by clicking their user names, you will find anyone thast agrees with an 80/10/10 diet when dealing with a serious health condition such as AF, generally doesen't have any history or any previous posts and question the validity of the posters claims - it is common for certain users to 'create' false user names to show support for their personal crusades, which is misleading and can be potentially dangerous for new forum users to listen to.

Without debating the correct diet or nutritional system, there are some very simple facts.

If you can eat carbs, you do not have Adrenal Fatigue, so probably best to post in another section.

If you can eat Sugar and fruit, you definitely do not have Adrenal Fatigue, so probably best to post in another section.

It has been reported by members of the AF and nutritional balancing forum, that the 80/10/10 diet gave them type 2 diabetes and led them into AF. Some members even worked directly with Dr Doug Graham and fasted with him at great expense in his Costa Rica resort hangout for all his followers and caused years of pain and suffering that they are still recovering from.

The majority of 80/10/10s (check videos on youtube or meet one in person) have a mental disorder, ADHD or another clinical problem. Dont be one of those people.

There are two members of CZ, that if removed would leave the forums much happy and calmer places for people to come find safe advice, both users appear on this thread. One day it will hopefully happen, but until then, we have to be reminded of who these people are and to be alerted to the danger.

Safe healing to all!


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