Re: Help needed in
Thanks for posting your results. Both myself and my son never did well on the ARL 4 lows protocol. All of that calcium just slowed us both down to a grinding halt. My son went through a bad depression. This also threw off the Ca/P ratio (thyroid) even more. This was when I decided to go with TEI. We both felt better immediately.
TEI would suggest a totally different protocol. The TEI program also includes both B6 and P5P in the Minplex B. You would also be put on a glandular and a metabolic pac. Keep taking the digestive enzymes with every meal.
I would suggest that you send your test over to Morley Robbins and ask him for a consult. Considering that you are now bedridden and with ARL for 2 years maybe it is time to try something else.
I have since learned of the amazing healing power of magnesium.
Whatever you do you should feel better and not worse. The body communicates to us when something is wrong. Rick Malter had strong words for the ARL 4 lows protocol and found that when people stayed there for too long that damage could be done.
The chronic infections alone can keep a person bedridden for years on end. These need to be addressed as they will continue to deplete your already depleted mineral reserves. I cannot stress this enough.
parasites and all chronic infections are a very serious problem.
Speedy healing! Hope you will be up and running before too long!