Hey Mission,
Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth...not all practitioners with ARL are "created equally." If, for any reason, you decide to stay with ARL, I would be happy to recommend mine. He is on the list of recommended ones on Dr. Larry Wilson's site and works very closely with him on each test and retest. His name is Dr. Larry McHaney. He has helped me tremendously! I was working directly with the lab before I found him. He pushed me into doing detox procedures, particularly
coffee enemas and saunas. I'm convinced the enemas have helped me the most. They are so needed for toxic and sluggish livers, which, obviously I have. They also helped me begin to dump parasites. I looked at your test results, and your phosphorous is very low, as was mine. Research that on Dr. Wilson's, site,
That mineral indicates our digestive fire (or lack thereof). Mine stayed at 10 or 11 until
parasites began coming out. Now it is at 13 or 14 so much better.
I read Onwards' comment that no one has posted that NB alone has eradicated their parasites...maybe I will be the first! Unfortunately, I'm not able to take the herbs. After the third or fourth day on them, my stomach hurt ALL NIGHT LONG! That might have been OK if I had seen more of them in the toilet than normal, but I didn't. So I am just staying the course with the protocol that Dr. McHaney has set up for me and trust that as my body continues to become healthy, those critters won't be able to thrive in me.
parasites continue to come out daily, thanks to the enemas.
Last bit of wisdom, whoever you work with, don't add other supplements without consulting with them. There is so much information "out there", and we can easily think I should add this or that. It often harms us rather than helps. I was taking a supplement that I read should help with adrenal fatigue, and Dr. McHaney told me it was 'beating the already exhausted horse.' Getting off that alone helped me feel a tiny bit better.
Getting well is a long, slow road for those of us who have been ill for many years. But it's great, in my case at least, to be on the right road at last.
I will be away from my computer for a few days due to going to visit family in another state, but I would be happy to respond to any questions when I return.