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Re: Those of you with AF and candida - what treatment/diet cured you?
SeattleK Views: 6,713
Published: 12 y
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Re: Those of you with AF and candida - what treatment/diet cured you?


Glutamine never created a noticeable problem for me candida wise, or if it did the benefits outweighed any negative effects.

Oh no! I am sorry to hear your experience with the 80/10/10 - I suspect if I had tried to go on that diet when I was in worse shape it would have had a similar impact on me. I am only about 2 months into a very slow transition away from a ton of meat and fats to a fruit/carb based approach.

My diet now probably looks like 50/25/25 - but that is a huge change from my old diet that looked more like 20/40/40. A common problem is getting enough calories, and I have been supplementing calc/mag/zinc which has helped on this diet (and IMO is a good idea regardless of your diet!). Avoiding salt seems like a bad idea for someone like you or I too...

My carbs are from fruit, rice and potatoes. I am farrrr from an expert on this subject and am learning as I go but it is just nice to finally have a positive story to share on this forum.


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