Re: Question for Faith110 re: food sensitivity
I know after I did the 3 day fast, and a slow reintroduction, I was less intolerant to everything I ate, Faith did the 3 day fast as well and it worked for her. Its tough, but its not impossible, fasting is probably the most natural method for detoxing and calming a system...quite a bit more natural than sticking coffee up your bum :) I did it with water and salt water..a good salt will have all the minerals you need as a basic amount.
But yeah, you need to be not working, and taking it completely easy. We all worked for many years when we got sick, thinking we could get better while doing so...I dont think ive heard of a success story from anyone who managed to contnue working..but lots of stories about how the big crash got worse from working when sick. Its hard to prioritise because like everyone, you want to hold on to your life, job, income etc...but inetivtable, for me, this made me worse and worse, I probably could of recovered a lot quicker if I had rested at the point I got sick instead of pushing and pushing myself through life.