When I referred to DMPS it was oral DMPS--Cutler protocol ( low doses every 6 or 8 hrs for a long weekend with plenty of antioxidants, and other supporting supplements). I certainly was not encouraging anyone to use IV chelation for a mercury problem! cf dmpsbackfire.com.
Most people in the large Cutler groups do okay with just a few months of DMSA or DMPS before they introduce low, frequent dose ALA. There certainly are exceptions; however, I hate to see the parents of young autistic kids wait many months before introducing ALA. The young kids often get nice early gains unlike middle aged folks. It takes older folks longer to get impressive gains. This little study using a variation of Cutler's protocol is an example of that. http://www.healing-arts.org/children/holmes.htm#results
I hope your recovery continues to go well.
PS. My apologies for the tangent in the discussion.