CuteLion: "What the are you asshead talking about Eastern Europe? Is E.Europe, you idiot? I explicitly talked about the German made "Dimaval" ...
== Yes, I am familiar with it. If you go back to the origins of DMPS, I think you'll see that it is in one of the former Soviet bloc countries, probably the former Eastern Germany. Before you speak so strongly, maybe you should do your homework.
CuteLion: "...and the 350 page scientific study summary coming with it (aimed at doctors, such a document must be made by the manufacturer). No use talking to someone who deliberately, or because he's a total idiot, ignores what's being said.."
== As I wrote earlier in this discussion or another discussion in Curezone, the Dimival paper is actually posted here in Curezone! I read it a year or more ago. It has a paragraph on using DMPS orally with Cutler's protocol although it was not very well explained.
CuteLion: "And of COURSE you also ignore that only a tiny fraction of a chelator even gets into your body from the digestive system when you take the chemical as a capsule (10-15% typically). So 100mg DMSA means you get 10-15mg into the blood only. Talk about wasting money - DMSA is quite expensive, go and shit 90% of it out with no gain, sure."
== Actually I'm not ignoring that fact at all! Many heavy metal toxic people have very messed up digestive systems. I like the idea of having extra chelator in the digestive tract to help the HMs move out of the body. However in the case of DMSA in a person with a candida problem, the extra chelator might contribute to the candida problem. I suspect this is part of the reason that people with candida problems and who are using Cutler's protocol tend to use DMPS or DMPS + ALA in the first year of detox.
== In the US DMSA it typically less expensive than oral DMPS. However, I think the current cost of DMPS is worthwhile for some people, especially in the early months of chelation.
CuteLion: "Now shut up and go away, idiot. I am so sick and tired of this anti-DMPS nonsense..."
== I chelated for roughly 1.5 yrs with DMSA + ALA (Cutler protocol) with good results. A very dear female friend was so impressed with my gains that she wanted to chelate too; however, she is quite emotionally sensitive, had a history of sleep problems and occasional candida problems. Even though I had plenty of DMSA on hand to give her, I instead took her to a doctor who I know uses oral DMPS , paid the doctor bill, and paid for her first bottle of low dose DMPS! After she responded so well to
Amalgam removal plus a few months of DMPS (Cutler protocol) she gladly has since purchased the DMPS herself.
== Re Kidney issues. This is more complex than I want to address here but I will say that kidney problems are not very commonly reported in the yahoo chelation groups. Cutler says kidney problems are more commonly associated with acute high dose exposures to heavy metals, not the low dose chronic exposures from amalgams, vaccines, etc.
== I actually am one who had a history of low eGFR test results before I started to detox! I also had cadmium in the red on a hair test, symptoms of it and a reasonable source of work-related exposure for decades. Cutler writes that cadmium is dangerous to the kidneys. This is another example of kidney problems from cadmium.
== After 1.5 yrs of chelation I had my first normal eGFR in years! It was still low norm but I am hopeful that the problem is slowly being resolved.
== Re CuteLion's "Mood". I used to be on a low dose of the psych medication Trileptal for my formerly "difficult", critical and competitive mood. That mood plus my ADD drove my dear female friend nuts. She said that I either had to go to a psych doctor or the relationship was finished. Fortunately I loved her too much.
== After a Spect brain scan ( reported some abnormalities consistent with my symptoms, I agreed to take both the Trileptal and some ADD medication. Surprisingly they worked as advertised; although it made my personality a bit more "flat" than I preferred. Things that previously had made me angry did not bother me nearly as much. When I was annoyed, the ADD medication seemed to give me more self control--I zipped my mouth : ) The extra fish oil and phospholipids that the doctor recommended seemed to gradually help my mood and memory. I did not seem to need quite as much of the Trileptal.
== lithium was the lowest essential element on my prechelation hair test, --#354 in this large library of hair tests used by detox groups.
==Some in the Cutler groups like the "chilled out" effect of a little dose of the Li supplements. It kicked in nicely for me. Around the same time I started to use a little pregnenolone for adrenal (stress response) support. The combo was quite nice! After 1.75 yrs of chelation my doctor suggested that I probably no longer needed the last of the psych medications.
== Cutelion, I hope you continue to improve : ) It might just be that you've not been chelating for as long as me and have not had as much time to find the optimal combo of supporting supplements for your situation. I wish you all the best as you continue to restore your health : )
== Regards,
== Joe, 3 yrs Cutler Protocol with nice gains