You are on the right track. She is doing the wise thing as the conventional no matter where in the world you live - is based on western pharma controlled methods. The rest of the world needs to toss out the big pharmas and return to what they have used to survive and cure with for centuries.
Have your Mom take a good heavy dose of red pepper - cayenne - it should stop the bleeding. Depending on what is causing the bleeding she may need to continue taking it as it starts up again. It has the ability to clot - and very good for internal bleeding. Years ago I was hemorrhaging from a placenta that pulled away - the cayenne saved my life thanks to my daughter that remembered reading about it. Try it.
I would suggest that you look into using liposomal vitamin C and curcumin - also in liposomal form. I have the recipes so you can make it for her, that is easiest. She needs heavy doses to make a therapeutic effect. Go to jesichashope. org - there you can see the resources available and you can contact us for the recipes. We answer all inquires seven days a week for many hours of the day - I or someone there will get you what you need. You are right cancer does not wait - you must hit it strongly but also we must be gentle on the body. There is hope.