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Re: Adrenal crash?
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Re: Adrenal crash?


To answer your question: I have never taken a K supplement.

When I was in bad shape AFS, Dr. Richard Shames recommended that I either take Xymogen T3 Medcaps - or he said I could try this basic, gentle version of Thyroid support:

- 2000 to 6000 I.U of Vitamin D3
- Rosemary leaf or extract (in cooking or supplement)
- 400ug selenium (in my case)

I took the above three supplements in addition to all the Lam stuff... and I "think" it helped when I was in bad shape, rock bottom AFS... but I was in such low energy and Depression it was hard to tell what was doing what.

Eventually I weaned off the thyroid support... thinking it was too complicated and expensive and I didn't need it anymore. I was okay off it for several months, but I had one bad crash.. and it set my thyroid to "LOW" and I suffered all summer until re-introducing these support supplements. Within 2 hours of adding Rosemary+Selenium+Kelp... my energy shot WAY up.

Now I am taking the Xymogen T3 Medcaps - a fancy name for a private herbal supplement - but it is a VERY effective blend for Thyroid support. I do recommend trying it if you think thyroid is an issue and you can handle a little bit of adaptogens. There is an adaptogen-free similar product called Thyrosol.

p.s. I have used Ashwaganda off and on... starting about 12 months into my recovery when I was in much better shape. Asgwaganda gives me little trouble. I don't take it daily (take breaks) to avoid dependence.


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