Re: OMG MH!! A question on Lecithin for MH to respond only please .. Am not seeking pros and cans on Soy products
>>>"Why is everyone defending the use of a toxin-laden product for healing the liver?! That just doesn't make sense!!"
Maybe because just as you have "documented" evidence to suggest its toxically harmful to ingest lecithin, there's probably countless medical literature that shows its amazing benefits. The bone of contention is how much hexane is actually used and is it in all lecithin products, how much can actually hurt you to the point of diminishing returns, and how much hexane is left in the final product found in health food stores or MH's store. All subjective and debateable at this point.
Your problem is that you've accepted the negative hype as 100% gospel truth and anyone who suggests otherwise is "ignorant" or "doesn't make any sense". Its no longer worth "debating" when the other side has made up their mind. Conviction is good, but I don't think you've thought it through well enough to have earned conviction. I sense a lot of ego behind those Uniquity key strokes. You think you've provided all this research, yet all you've done is post an article that's interpreting other research. Fine, I can accept the possibility I'm wrong. Can you? Doesn't seem like it.
BTW, you say there's other ways to clean liver without chemicals. I've never experienced anything that works better than Clark flush or Lecithin and I've tried many. You have to admit, there's quite a large reward for flushing, even if you're reintroducing toxins, a reward that outweighs the negatives in my view. And no, you are incorrect. Toxins do not cause clogging of the liver. They can be part of the clog, but wrongful eating is by far the culprit, and certainly we can agree trapped toxins in the liver are bad. So hypothetically, if I can flush my liver and remove 500 toxic units from my liver and have to leave 50 behind due to the flushing tools (lecithin, epsom) used, then be damned I'm going to take that 450 net gain!
>>" And I find it thoroughly disgusting that someone as influential as MH admits he sells a product that is chemically processed, without fully knowing (or admitting) AND DISCLOSING the level of it's toxicity to his fellow human beings who give him their hard-earned money."
Ah now were understand or do we? Why are you not banging on every health food store's door and demanding the same? You could save a lot more lives and inform a lot more people than pecking away on this forum for a few hours debating me or MH. But you choose to target The Barefoot Herbalist and spend what little precious time you have ("I'm self-employed, I work 16 hours days" yada yada yada) trying to discredit one person who sales less lecithin per year than the town herb shop.
No, I think there's more to it than that, and I sense something more malevolent than "relishing the opportunity". If this were truly your motivation you wouldn't be here. You also have countless other forums you could target your relished time on that do far greater damage and push more misinformation in the health field than MH. No, you choose him because he's popular and you know this forum has a large audience, and you want some stardome too. Rarely do you ever publicly agree with MH or thank him for perhaps things he's taught you. You crave attention. If it were TRULY about the truth and purpose, you wouldn't be here spending time here with your campaigns against Lecithin (or what was it last time? Cascara Sagrada?) LOL.
>>>"My husband is STILL cracking up :)"
Wow! I've achieved spousal review and readership? Awesome!! I'm flattered truly. Hello to Mr. Uniquity! If you have no jealousy then you aren't alive or are in total denial. Jealousy is a normal human emotion we all have at times. I have it. If its not jealousy, than there's definitely something that drives you to post here in the manner in which you do. I have a hard time believing its all for "the good of the people" and "the truth". Perhaps its just the attention a self-employed hillbilly from Iowa needs to break up her 16-hour day?
Honestly, its been fun, but we've beaten this to death. I honestly disagree but admit I could be wrong. So, I'm not disagreeing to disagree or to get under your skin. You seem like a nice person that has a nice life. Your farm sounds awesome. I'm jealous (hee hee). See?
P.S. Do you grow corn? I've been craving midwest corn this summer. My wife is Nebraskan, and ever since her grand parents died, we don't get out that way much anymore.
Take care, PB