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Re: Isocort
Blistering Fate Views: 2,793
Published: 12 y
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Re: Isocort

I know that myself and all the others with low saliva cortisol have found to have low blood DHEA, dont know the exact mechanism. DHEA its the libido hormone, not cortisol. When you have full flown adrenal fatigue the hormones pregnenolone, DHEA, cortisol and progesterone are low, like in my case. Taking Isocort or cortisol and doing a few other things like diet, absolutely no stress etc its said to be able to cure a person but lets get real. No one in Curezone seems to have cured with that approach alone.

Yes your case seems relatively easy to address, since you only have adrenal fatigue from stressing your body, there is no need to look for further causes.

Here, read all the posts in the "Adrenal Fatigue" section:

Also, download the book of Wilson here (I downloaded it myself to check if it was clean):
Its one of the most valuable books when having adrenal fatigue.

Lastly, sorry bro but you cannot workout with AF. Whenever I get a little better I start with the muscle obsession again and it sends all my gains to the trash and makes me feel awful again. Do gentle exercise if anything.


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