I've been using Isocort recently, moreso because i've had extra stress on my plate with building a place and moving. Isocort helps relieve 'jitters' and anxiety for me aswell as give me an energy boost.
I take 2 pills each time. If i'm having a particularly rough day i've found taking 2 pills every 6 hours helpful, as they tend to wear off in 4-6 hours.
Also i've found it relieves adrenal/kidney ache pain that i sometimes get on my worse days.
They're worth a shot to try and totally don't give a 'wired' feeling - not for me, but everyone is different - im usually sensitive to anything i put in my system and Isocort i found to be a gentle lift. Glandulars and B complex make me too wired and jittery.
If you do try them - search on ebay for a good price.