No one needed to respond
Information was posted to let others see
where they might link to if interested.
That you and others chose to respond as you have
is your responibility.
Take your share of responsibility.
You could have just read the post
and if it did not concern you,
ignore it and move on..
Did it hit some triggers in you, perhaps?
Seems like the other posters
have resorted to attacking the poster,
rather than the message, don't you think?
If you look at yours and others posts
this certainly bears out.
I do not see Lapis attacking you personally
as many of you have chosen.
He has tried to answer sincerely
the questions you have asked.
This post was not intended to start this kind of thing,
and he made that clear in the initial post,
when he said that he knows MH is against
sector oriented religionists,
and so he might find this info of interest,
that shows the dalai lama is as corrupt
as many other *spiritual leaders*
that so many seem to *worship* as great man of peace,
not seeking material things,
while the truth is far from the romantised ideal
that the western world has certainly embraced whole heartedly.
I think each person has shown clearly
what is in their own minds,
and what they attack the poster with
are very good mirrors of themselves.
I have found this entire thread interesting, and very funny.
Thanks for the laughs.
It is always fun to see what lies in the minds of others.
Very eye opening.
No one needed to respond to the initial post.
It was intended to be a link
for those that might want to read about this stuff,
and for a information sharing with MH.
All my love,
Thanks for making my morning fun,
I sincerely appreciate it.
Ami Joi Benton