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oh dear....well, you invited this....It's "Dalai": if you don't know this...
  Views: 3,768
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 207,762

oh dear....well, you invited this....It's "Dalai": if you don't know this...

nothing but dross for the sentient reader...
so sad.

Lapis, there is a qustion that one is encouraged to plumb
the depths of one's being to answer, and it takes humility to do so:

"what is the motivation?"

or if you prefer a more mind-undoing ponderance...

"what is burning incense?"

You have faliled to grasp even a portion of the Dalai Lama's motivation.
(and yet, his compassion would swallow you, as easily and completely as breath swallows air.)

What's your motivation?

Please don't parrot something about unhived mind. This is a spin of a spin of a spin...this post of yours is a gratuitous use of mh's space, and does not lead to Love...that much is clear, or to liberation, despite your talk about taking back one's power. >>> This sounds like the mouthings of (the gift of) ego. It is an old story. It saddens me, but really, it belittles you.


om mani padme hum

(a prayer
for the happiness and liberation of all beings in all realms--
including those that believe they've risen above all 'realms' -- but *will* fall
when the form fails, and cry out then for help. THAT is the sort of level
the D.L operates on, no matter what the popular spin on him hppens to be. )

Truth is a little bigger than CIA, NWO or 'taking back one's power' and 'being unique' and free to experience fully.

you prove you grasp little of the essence of the levels of Mind...



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