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Re: In USA
  Views: 3,710
Published: 19 y
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Re: In USA

There are 82 million women and children in usa living below poverty level and or on welfare, because the sire abandoned the mother and children and refused to pay child support for his children. In usa most men are miseducated by tv ads and p 0 r n that thier penis is a joystick or pounding weapon to use if they get tired of video games, no education on parenting, purpose of intercourse is to create children etc ever comes up in the p 0 r n sotted exploitation media's miseducation for profit, so in usa we have almost half the population living below poverty and fatherless, being raised on welfare or less by a single parent, 60% are white. My question is where are all the fathers of these abandoned babies and why don't they pay child support??? What kind of man throws his own creations, children in the garbage cans abandons them and runs away from parenting responsibility?? And if a man throws his own children in garbage cans what will he do to other humans?
Quit blaming the government for everything, realize WE, the people are the government
and if no one bought pepsi or paid to see brittany spears sex love slave concert there would be no miseducation media. the lost confused demon possessed fund and support demonic venues, what kind of person supports marilyn manson?



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