Re: Dalai(CIA) Lama
I think "sentient reader"'s may want to explore the hiving of their mind. Anything that seeks to draw away from their unique experience and draw to a crafted, controlled herd mentality is potetially part of a macrocosmic disease. Exloring belief systems that may be dampening our spiritual power is wise and leads to ultimate health and wellness. If we create our reality without filters (especially ones we take on thru complacency ...autopilot) then it seems important to check for the coherency of these filters and examine waht we want to actively keep and what we may want to dicard.
Beleif systems determine choices and ultimatley reflect the experience potential.
I think MH is okay with exploring filters as in the beginning of his forum he mentioned that the deepest healing comessfrom being deprogrammed form our sick society, which I agree with as do many clearer cultures such as the Toltecs.
When we can look at all sacred cows whether they be in religion, media, politcs, medical systems, etc without emotional attachment, then we can truely be free of attachments and project purely and freely. To me that is ultimate health!