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Dosage up
I was just reading what Trapper, Ginagirl and others were saying about how taking more
Iodine actually would be easyer, well i got my first Lugol`s 5% last week and thought i just have to try it( did not want to use iodoral 12.5 for higher dosages becouse the
additives iodoral have) .
Ok so i taked 16 drops ,which is about 100mg and nothing bad happened...i was not freaking out,not even
headache which is strange, the only symptom that i notice is slightly now i do feel some
low energy and i might take this day a break ( pulse dosing) to just see how i am doing tomorrow,But i could take also today the 100mg as i feel this is not bad. the earlyer really bad experiences that i had with taking much lower dosages were just horrible then, i really freak out and was scared, did not even touch
Iodine after it for some time becouse it was way beyond that i want to experience.
I do have taken all the co suplements and 2 x day salt ( more that 2 teaspoons a day) so i am sure they are helping me with the higher dosage.
I take selenium 400 mcg/day and no problem with that.
So, dont know how or why, but this just confirms that with higher dosage there can be much less detox symptoms, of cource anyone is an individual,and body chemistry and other things can vary from person to person, but when several others have notice that higher dose can work better i see it
as a method worth of try .