yes, it does matter. i put about 100 grams of
KI in a bath once and i could feel it right away. but by the time i had soaked enough up to have a headache creep up on me god knows how much of that i absorbed. the water was hot and i was in there a while. that was the salt only, though. youll be putting about a gram of total
Iodine in the water with one ounce of 2%. i used povidone and/or betadine in the bath and it was stimulating but nice and gental. that kind of
Iodine is usually in the pharmacy where the bandaids and gauze and treatments for cuts are.
an ouce of
Lugols is probably what i would try and that is 2/5s of that. thats as good of a choice as you could have made. the
Iodine is already working(the opposite of how fluoride works on the herd).