Re: Saliva test results. What should I do? Please help
hey Amber,
I agree, the monthly hormonal rollercoaster ride makes the AF symptoms also rollercoaster. I too feel like death before mentruation and throughout. I am leaning to the belief that it's super low estrogen causing this. I also get night sweats around that time...menopause symptoms due to low estrogen mirror the symptoms i get around mentruation. Estrogen is lowest around that time naturally, but i think if one has low estrogen anyway - then menstruation would be severely low causing worsening symptoms.
The salt thing will forever confuse me.
I've been trying to wrap my brain around the renin-aldosteron-angiosten axis.
I don't have water-retention at all, no longer experience it before menstruation either - i'm peeing frequently. But my sodium in my pee is 0.29%, very low. My pee is 8.5 PH. Specific gravity 0.15, Low blood pressure average 64/42. It's like i can't consume enough salt but my body isn't excreting it. I'm not particularly thirsty and have to force myself to even try to consume 2 ltrs a day. It's like my body is breaking all the salt/fluid balance rules.
My kidneys ache as if Tyson has punched them in!
I think the renin axis is way out of balance due to ?...many possibilities.
I wish there was a test for a proper FULL hormone panel. Only having sex hormones without other endocrine hormones just leaves us having more questions than answers. With a full array starting from hypo/pituitary hormone markers through to all glandular and sex hormones is more helpful to see where deficiencies lay and point to more accurate possible causes.
The anti-D you're on might be off-setting dopamine as Nor. and DA are synergistic. That might be why you're better on them 'stress response'-wise due to the increased Nor., but have no energy or focus, anhedonic etc due to down-regulation of dopamine due to increased Nor? As neruotransmitters are paired on a 'see-saw'...the upregulation of one will lower the levels of the other. So perhaps dopamine low levels for you are causing your lethargy, disinterest etc - but you're stress response AF stuff has improved due to the improved Nor. from the SNRI?
There's talk of ADHD treatment being one-sided due to the use of SNRI's without dopamine, so Nor and Dopa are suggested to be preferred for better balance of symptoms.
Both neurotransmitters are made from Tyrosine - have you tried supplementing that? Yet as im learning more and more, the enzymes required to convert tyrosine to useable brain neurotransmitters can often be genetically mutated, hence why people seemingly struggle with these imbalances for life, and find it hard to wean off of SSRI's, SNRI's etc However, bypassing the mutations is possible.