Re: Saliva test results. What should I do? Please help
Hi purplepixie
Low progesterone and estrogen dominance are potentially problematic. Nice that you've noticed that. For women AF is much more complicated because of the reproductive hormones and how they change every month!
And considering that they are intimately tied in to the neurotransmitters which regulate every function in the body makes me nuts. Every month before my period I start thinking "That's it. Now I'm definitely going to die" and feel like going to the ER. and a few days later it's fine again. Really crazy.
Do you also have estrogen dominance? Can it make you feel really that bad?
I'm trying to understand why I feel absolutely horrible despite cortisol being normal on one of my worst days.
Aldosterone is definitely a possibility. I never had it checked before but the more I think about it - it becomes clearer to me that it's the most likely problem.
Aldosterone increases in the body in response to circulating norepinephrine and this explains why I can't stop taking my anti-depressant which is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Low NE = lower alsosterone.
My pupils are pretty big also - I know people like to say things because they think I'm high:)
I also have to take 6 grams of
Sea Salt per day and salt my food and is still not enough!
You mentioned you have sodium retention.
You might want to look into Euvolemic Hyponatremia.
What happens is that the body releases a hormone vasopressin also called anti-diuretic hormone when the sodium level falls very low and it causes water retention. As a result the sodium becomes even more diluted in the blood and you will get dilutional hyponatremia. Meanwhile it might appear that you are holding salt because of all the water retention.
It's pretty confusing and doesn't make too much sense to me why the body would do such a thing but it happened to me quite a few times - I looked so bloated and puffy so I stopped taking
Sea Salt and almost passed out after a few days. All the symptoms of hyponatremia get pretty bad during those episodes, so watch out for them.
And funny thing about chlosesterol - we're brainwashed to believe that it causes heart desease and stroke. Well not really - if people didn't have bad habits predisposing them for these events they wouldn't even have so much cholesterol in their blood to begin with. Cholesterol goes into the artery in order to repair the damaged endothelium wall which results from eating junk, smoking, pollutants and drugs. After finishing its job it's supposed to get used up for building blocks but because we never stop damaging our arteries cholesterol never leaves and continues to patch up those broken vessel walls resulting in plaque build up.
There is a nice documentary called "The great cholesterol cover up" which expains the whole pharmaceutical companies agenda on statins.
I worked with a lot of atherosclerosis patients in my life and because of what I saw in them I was terrified of eating cholesterol for years.
My lipid profile looks great but I can't function at all. Great job:)
And why should we say no to those delicious eggs in the morning anyway:)