Limcomin is primarily used when the sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5:1. This product was formulated or reformulated by Dr. Paul Eck specifically to raise the sodium/potassium ratio. If the ratio is lower, more of the product is given.
A secondary use of Limcomin is as an immune system booster, and perhaps to prevent or even to correct infections in the body. The dosage can be increased in the case of an infection. At times, Dr. Eck recommended about 6 tablets three times daily in cases of colds, flus and other acute infections.
My experience was rough with the limcomin but it did raise my Na/K ratio from 2 to 3. I think the other reason for having an adverse reaction is that the copper in limcomin kills pathogens. Many of us here have chronic infections and I think that is why I had such an adverse reaction to it. I too was told that I was probably copper toxic but this never proved to be correct. Now that I am with TEI they are treating the deficiency that we have.