Zinc/copper ratio's
Zinc/Copper (Zn/Cu) Ratio:
•Using the zinc/copper ratio is a much more effective method of evaluating zinc and copper readings than considering either copper or zinc levels alone.
Symptoms of High Copper (Excess) and/or Low Zinc (Deficiency) Include:
•Skin problems (acne, psoriasis, slow healing, eczema), emotional instability, "spaciness", detached behavior, schizophrenia, PMS, reproductive problems, prostatitis, menstrual difficulties
Depression and fatigue.
Trends Associated with the Zinc/Copper Ratio:
severe copper deficiency or bio-unavailability of copper
8 - 16
copper deficiency or unavailability
4 - 8
copper toxicity
2 - 4
severe copper toxicity - excessive breakdown, emotional instability, zinc deficiency problems such as impotence, slow healing, loss of taste, smell, appetite, and hair loss.