Re: Just switched from ARL to Trace Elements Lab
hear hear! Think you said beautifully Onwards. The worst mistake, speaking from my experience with protocols and diets is to stick to something for too long that doesn't seem to be giving you much progress. The body needs time to heal, but it should begin showing you signs that it is indeed beginning to heal. If you stall for too long, then something could be missing in your protocol and it's a sign to review. The body if put on the right road to progress should begin to reap rewards, after all when given what it needs it has amazing powers of self heal. Otherwise, staying on something that doesn't seem to be progressing then you could be doing more harm than good as you are causing your body to halt it's healing abilities.
I also have issues with ARL's conclusion that I am a slow oxidizer. I have most of the signs of a fast oxidizer, but suspect i might be a mix of both. I am now seriously thinking that I might try this TEI, though not sure i can yet afford the switch at this stage.
My personal experience with diet is that I simply can't handle three meals a day. No matter what diet I am on, my body just can't handle that much food. I seem to do wonderfully and have noticed progress in healing by cutting back on meal times. But as Onwards says everyone is different and that's what we need to keep in mind when following protocols.