Re: Does Systemic Candida always mean Hospitalization ?
"If they kill both the good and bad bacteria and yeast, why don't both good and bad bugs grow back in equal levels?"
Antibiotics don't kill yeast, that is the big problem. Beneficial bacterias keep yeast in check. When there s a lack of good flora, the fungus, not affected by
Antibiotics , can grow out of control, even more if the diet is poor, high in refined carbohydrates and sugar.
If you really wanna know, I live in France, and even though they don't understand a thing about it, mainstream doctors DO believe in candida overgrowth. That is why they often prescribe along with
Antibiotics a product called "Ultra-levure" (Saccharomyces Boulardii), which is basically a beneficial yeast that fights candida albicans. Of course, my useless and incompetent doctor didn't prescribe this thing to me.
Graham's opinion on spices is very personal and not backed up by any studies. Many studies prove actually the benefits of those spices.
Of course my medications were big part of the problem. The antibiotics I was prescribed for more than a year created a massive candida overgrowth, which eventually led to a weak digestive system and big
parasite infestation.
Prescribing fluconazole was just another harmful thing that doctors had me to take. Antifungals alone will just create perpetual die off symptoms if no change of diet is done.
So called medical "experts" that claim they don't believe in candida overgrowth, that is NOT a proof to me. I also know people dying of cancer that were told by so called oncologist "experts" that diet had no influence whatsoever on cancer.