Re: Does Systemic Candida always mean Hospitalization ?
I disagree, malnutrition can certainly come from not getting enough calories, as I said it varies depending on the individual. I have nothing against fasting, especially juice fasting, I think can be very beneficial. For about two years, I followed a fairly low-calorie vegetarian diet, doing quite a bit of fasting and juice fasting at various times and even though I initially felt better, long-term this diet took a toll on my body and eventually led to increased
food intolerances and constant fatigue and the candida actually became worse in the long run. I know many people feel great eating low calorie diets and if it works for them, that is great, not everyone needs a lot of calories, some people don't need to eat many carbohydrates, some of us (like me) need to eat a lot of carbohydrates to stay healthy. Proper nutrition means getting the correct amount of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that YOUR body needs, the amounts and proportions of these nutrients will vary from person to person. We should never make the mistake of believing that what works for us as an individual will work the same for everyone else, this will just lead to confusion.