Yes adrenal fatigue can cause candida. Don't think the high protein, high fat diet is helping things for you. I have heard this time and time again when people go low carb they develop many food intolerances (happened to me too). This can easily be remedied by putting good healthy carbohydrates back into your diet, it may take a while for your digestion to get back to where it was. Some people do well on a high protein, high fat diet but most people do not. I believe that generally people that have hypoglycemia need more carbohydrates than other people. Hypoglycemia could mean the chemical reactions in your body take place faster and more often, meaning your cells deplete their ATP levels much faster than most people (this is one possible cause of hypoglycemia, there are many others), this ATP (cellular energy) can only be replaced by eating a good amount of carbohydrates. Craving sweets means your body wants more carbohydrates.