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Re: Companion Nutrients
EllenG Views: 1,908
Published: 12 y
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Re: Companion Nutrients

I don't think I can go wrong taking either one or the other - Lugol's or Iodoral. I did want to see what happened by switching. It's possible Iodoral has been doing its job. I did have sinus problems when I had 2 infected root canal teeth that unfortunately had to be pulled almost 1 year ago. No problems after I got that cleaned up. Oh and to complicate matters I have TMJ and who knows what's in the jaws. They're kind of messed up from stress of a marriage I got out of. I do have 2 cats that I know I am somewhat allergic to. Usually just itchy eyes though. I now keep them out of the bedroom.

My nose is still runny just not as much today. Who knows. It will be interesting to see if I begin to see the alarm clock again or not - It's been so blurry. Yes, all those sinuses and the eyes are interconnected. And it is weird I had this flu with pink eyes after starting iodine.

I am hypothyroid. I have done 15 liver cleanses. I have lost 80+ lbs. I used to take 120 mg. of Armour. Now I take 30mg. in the am. That's mostly due to liver cleanses. I wanted to focus more on thyroid health and I see it's quite a journey using the iodine.

Thanks very much for being helpful!



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