I started taking Lugol's - 5 weeks ago - a few drops then - what the heck - went to 50 mg. Then switched to Iodoral - 50 mg. Constant runny nose. And after 2 weeks - a cold/flu and pink eye (both eyes)! really yucky eyes for 10 days. Got better after 2 weeks. Always the runny nose. I've read about excipients not good for the body - the extras put in the pills. All vitamin pills not created equal. So is there anyone who knows this and tries to take companion nutrients that give you what you need without the extras? If so, tell me what brands you take! For instance I found liquid magnesium/calcium by Vibe (but expensive) so I'm switching to another brand. I also use a liquid B vitamin -it's not heavy in the B2 and B3 BUT it's a quality product. I use Ester C power form. I haven't found a selenium I think is really good.