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Re: Multiple Parasite Problem
batz77 Views: 2,642
Published: 12 y
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Re: Multiple Parasite Problem

Thank you very much for all your suggestions. My symptoms are getting worse and I think the parasites are now going for my left temple and my left eye, together with that I can feel them twitching in my arms and legs and back almost every 1-2 minutes and it is driving me crazy. I have got some Epsom Salt today and had a bath, I think I will do a Colon Cleanse on Friday. I also bought Milk Thistle and some Enzymes. I also started eating only vegetables and eggs, plus bought some pumpkin seeds, got some fennel seeds and cloves to boil and make drinks. Will try to go the ER tomorrow or the next day and tell them what was mentioned above (about the pressure and blurry vision) hope that will make give me a brain MRI scan and hopefully show them where the problem lies. At this point I think my whole body is infested with various parasites and I won't live very long. I am very desperate so I will try to take Praziquantel and Albendazole one day and then go to the hospital straight away, in that case if something bad happens to me there will be doctors to help me straight away. And yes I also pray and encourage you to do the same, because everything happens for a reason. God help us all!


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