Extremely Ill after sex
So I'm 21 years old and I've had health problems since I was in middle school/ high school. It started out with insomnia, which kept worsening. By the time I was 14 I had dark circles around my eyes constantly, even when I caught up on sleep. I had rumors at school going around about me that I was drug addict because of this. By the time I was 16, my insomnia had worsened, and when I did fall to sleep I had sleep paralysis.I also developed hypoglcemia. I was also cold and tired all the time. By 18 I started having bowel issues. Mucus and lots of gas in them. By the time I was 19 I developed chronic postnasal drip which never went away. I started having sleep paralysis almost every night. My
Acne worsened. My skin was pale, I was freezing all the time. My eyes had constant black circles around them. I had also developed severe anxiety out of nowhere. My hpyoglycemia was horrible and I started having sharp pains under my right rib cage and hair loss. I went to the doctors, but they found nothing.
Sugar and carb cravings constantly as well. At 20 I started on birth control, yaz, for my
Acne as they found I had high levels of testosterone. 3 months in all my
Acne disappered. But I got sick as hell. I got pink eye and tonsilitis, started having muscle aches all over and became so fatigued I could barely ever get out of bed. I had muscles aches in my legs too. My bowel problems got even worse. I had pain in my lower stomach everytime I ate and they were very hard to get out, but very frequent. Almost everytime I ate I would have them. I continued to get recurring tonsilitis and strep several times over. I went to the doctors several times over but they never found anything. They just told me it was all probably depression.
I pretty much gave up on ever getting better as supposedly there was nothing wrong with me. I had just turned 21 and decided to use to tiny bit of energy I had to just have fun. I ended up deciding to have sex with a guy I'm friends with. I was a virgin and was planning on waiting til I was in a serious relationship for sex, but with the way my health was going I didn't see it possible for me to have energy for a serious relationship and kind of just wanted to try out sex while I still had the energy. I didn't use a condom because I was on birth control. Stupid I know. 4 days later it started to burn and itch down there and I got infinitely sicker. I had insomnia before but I went 4 full days without sleep after. I had bowel problems before, but now my bowels have gotten so much worse after. I have to stick my finger up to pull them out (gross i know) or they won't come at all. They vary in color from yellow to green with black spots and blood in them and are completely indigested. I can barely make bowel movements at all anymore and end up vomiting a ton instead when I eat. I also lost the ability to cry, not an emotional thing my eyes got all dried out. This all happened after the sex I'm pretty sure I caught something from him and my body is not strong enough to handle it. I went and got tested for STD's they all came back negative, I got examined too and the woman said the skin was inflammed and looked irritated. She gave me some antifungal cream for it. Which did not do anything. It's been 3 months since the sex now and it's still constantly irritated and inflammed down there. I've lost a ton of weight cause my body won't handle food anymore. And I can no longer sleep at all without a sedative. I told my mom and she thinks it's all just "anxiety" from feeling guilty about having sex. But it really isn't. I believe I caught something and my body wasn't strong enough to handle it. I'm now very underweight and sick because of it. And I don't know what to do.
I believe I had adrenal fatigue and candida before, possibly CFS. My body temperature was always low (now only 96 degrees) which is a sign of AF I know, and my blood pressures drops significantly from sitting to standing another sign. Plus I found out I have low cortisol levels. My question is, is there any way I can cure whatever I picked up from the sex so that I can get back to where I was? I'm so ill and underweight now. And my body won't function anywhere near normal. I'm scared I might be dying and I'm only 21.