Re: I have hepatitis c, galstones, kidney stones and ulcerative colitis
OK,first know that you can heal all of that. It will take time and a lot of efforts, but you can beat it.
You need to understand what makes you sick. First, ditch the pharmaceutical drugs, they only make the problems worse. Treat the cause, not the symptoms.
Most diseases are linked to pathogens taking over the good gut flora, releasing their toxins, weakening the whole body and immune system. This usually happens due to
Antibiotics , poor diet, stress,...
You can get well. Start with diet. How is yours like?
You need plenty of raw vegetables, and fruits in moderate amounts. Don't eat grains, especially refined ones. No
Sugar whatsoever. No alcohol. Limit animal proteins to a minimum. You can get all the proteins you need from homemade milk kefir (preferably from goat milk), and whey protein. Include good fats like olive, coconut, pumpkin see oils and avocados. Practice food combining. Start
juicing vegetables, like celery, carrot, beet, leafy greens. Try a liquid diet for a while, smoothies are great. Juice fast when done properly is even more powerful for healing.
You need to adress the pathogens issue. If you have colitis and hepatitis, you necessarily have candida overgrowth and/or
parasites to some degree. The poisons they release stress all the organs and create inflammation. Start taking raw garlic, turmeric,
Black-Walnut tincture, cloves... The milk kefir is very beneficial, because it kills the pathogens AND help repopulate the gut with good bacterias.
Now, you need to take action regarding your elimination organs, especially your liver and kidneys that are showing warning signs. For healing, you need to get rid of those stones that impair bile flow. If you start killing pathogens and your liver and kidneys are compromised, you won't get better, you will actually get worse. You need to get that bile flowing.
Liver Flushes will help you get rid of the stones. Beet juice will help you clean that liver. Consider taking milk thistle to protect and regenerate your liver cells.
coffee enemas are very beneficial for the liver too.
For kidneys, drink celery, lemon juices, apple cider vinegar.
Castor oil packs daily on the liver area can be very beneficial, especially for hepatitis.
Regarding colitis, you need restore your gut flora. For that, the best thing I've done is this:
Take several high
water enemas (from 2 to 4 quarts) to clear the colon. Follow this by a kefir retention enema: 1 cup kefir + 1 Tbsp chlorella. Make sure it makes its way to the upper colon and retain for how long as you can. This will make dramatic results in my experience.
As your digestive organs improve, you will gain weight and soon feel much better. If you need extra help, just ask.