Re: I have hepatitis c, galstones, kidney stones and ulcerative colitis
thanx again for your valueable advice. which really boosts my will power. so far as my diet is concerned, avocadoes and such things are not available i have seen ovacados but mostly imported and kept in cold storage therefore lose most of the nutritional value. a friend of mine is sending me real live milk kefir grains tonight . goats milk the fresh one is available. i have totally deleted cow milk from my diet. as you have advised to refrain from wheat and barley but problem is that i am losing weight at an alarming pace. i was 53 kg three months ago. and now it is 50 kg. so i am afraid if i totally illiminate the grains i may lose more weight.
currently i am drinking a mixture of beet root, cucumber, bottle gourd juice and a clove of garlic. i started taking turmeric but my bp had gone up. the only fat i have access is olive oil. could you suggest me any other suppliment in ordr to heal up the damaged liver.
the other concern is that my abdomin has started swelling especially after meals. is it due to liver,
Gallstones or
kidney stones because doctors are still unsure about the cause.
again the major concern right now is weight loss. i can notice a reduction in muscles and almost the entire body seems to be melting like a candle.
mental stress is so much that some times becomes unbearable.
again i have no words to express my feelings the way you give attention to my problems. may God bless you and your entire family .
looking forward to see more from you.